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Ministry of Education.

Contact PB4L

If your query relates to PB4L Restorative Practice opportunities in your region, please email your local Ministry office.

For all other queries, further information and guidance on PB4L initiatives, you can contact us at:  PB4L@education.govt.nz.

PB4L Restorative Practice

Restorative Practice is a relational approach to managing school life grounded in beliefs about equality, dignity, mana and the potential of all people.

The Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) Restorative Practice model focuses on building and maintaining positive, respectful relationships across the school community and offers school staff best-practice tools and techniques to maintain and restore relationships. By building and maintaining positive, respectful relationships within a school, staff to staff, staff to student and student to student, issues are more easily managed.

PB4L Restorative Practice is based on a set of best practice tools and techniques to support a consistent and sustainable approach to managing positive, respectful relationships within the school.


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